Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse... Detox... Ease
Do any of these sentences apply to you?
- I've been diagnosed with, or I think I have IBS
- I'm sick of feeling full and bloated
- I'm confused about what to eat and what not to eat
- I don't have time to carefully plan individual meals
- I always skip breakfast ( I don't have time or just can't face it in the morning)
- I'm fed up with constipation or diarrhoea
- I know something's not right with my digestive system, but I don't know how to fix it
- I love food and eating out, but it's taking its toll
Colon hydrotherapy can help.
What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy (also known as Colonic Irrigation and Colon Cleanse) is a relaxing treatment, using a flow of filtered water to gently cleanse your bowel of stubborn waste and toxins from the inside out.
My medical grade Aqua-Clinic Colon Hydrotherapy machine at the The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Hospital, Dubai, Health Care City.
It can help to reduce the symptoms of:
- IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)
- bloating
- cramps
- diarrhoea
- constipation
- excess or trapped wind
- sluggish bowels
- diverticulitis
- eczema and acne
- bad breath/ halitosis
Many other health conditions such as circulatory, immune, inflammatory and weight problems can also often improve with colon hydrotherapy treatments, when accompanied by recommended diet and lifestyle changes.
My own struggle with IBS, whilst trying to balance a busy work schedule and finding no relief through conventional medicine, led me to natural therapies. The results I experienced from colon hydrotherapy were so profound that I retrained as a Holistic Practitioner. I'm genuinely passionate about sharing the benefits I still enjoy with my patients.
“Thank you for making my first colon hydrotherapy experience a good one. As you know, I was quite nervous and your professionalism put me at ease.”
The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
Feel lighter, brighter, relieved and energised.
- Increase in energy levels
- Better quality of sleep
- Relief from bloating and gas
- Improvement in mental clarity
- Improved bowel function (eliminates constipation and regulates diarrhoea)
- Stability of appetite
- Clearer skin & brighter eyes
- Reduced headaches
- Ability to absorb nutrients better from food
- A step towards all round better health and feeling good
If your bowel is not working properly, every other organ will suffer. When the bowel is clear and in good working order, all other organs in the body can effectively do their intended job.
What to expect from Colon Hydrotherapy
During your consultation, we talk through all of your symptoms and, if necessary, I'll ask you to fill in an specific Irritable Bowel Symptom questionnaire, using a symptom check list, so we can track your improvements each session.
I'll explain fully how the treatment works and what will happen at each stage. I'm happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. You can find detailed information in Frequently Answered Questions, such as, "What should I eat before?"
All new clients must arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment time for a mandatory blood pressure reading and completion of consultation forms.
Find out more about our popular IBS Clinic by clicking the image below.
I will go through all the contra-indications with you during our consultation, but please click through to find out more if you have any concerns.
During the treatment, warm filtered water will be gently introduced to the colon, via the rectum (bottom).
Abdominal massage may be used during the treatment to further encourage the release of stored waste matter from the bowel.
Click to watch the short video and see exactly what happens during a colon hydrotherapy treatment. More FAQ's here.
After your treatment most people feel the benefits of a flatter tummy and more energy.
Occasionally you may feel tired or experience a slight headache. This is common and completely normal, we call it a 'healing crisis'. It's a sign that your colon has been cleansed and toxins have been released, this should settle within a few hours.
I'll give you a comprehensive after-care guide following your treatment; outlining what to eat, and how to overcome any post-treatment symptoms. "Will I be rushing to the loo all day afterwards?!"
Colon Hydrotherapy is available in Dubai with Gemma Nelson at The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Hospital in Health Care City. For Hospital details and location visit The AACSH website.
Initial Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment at AACS Hospital
- Nutritional Therapy & Digestive Wellness Consultation - 15 minutes
- Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment *contraindications apply* - 40 minutes
- Basic nutritional advice is included, with a generic diet plan, if needed~
Total initial treatment time - 1 hour 15 minutes - Price: Dhs 850 (off-peak hours 10-4pm)
or Dhs 980 (peak hours - currently unavailable)
Follow-up treatments
- Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment - 40 minutes
- Nutritional therapy & digestive wellness follow-up & feedback - 60 minutes
Total follow up treatment time - 1 hour - Price: Dhs 700 (off-peak hours 10-4pm)
or Dhs 800 (peak hours - currently unavailable)
- Coffee Enema (must be requested upon booking) – Additional Charge Dhs 100
- Added to the end of follow-up treatments only
- Ideal for those committing to a detox cleanse or coming off medication. Great for additional Liver Detox benefits.
Please note
Any late arrivals of more than 15 minutes after the treatment start time will unfortunately not be able to have a treatment. The full treatment will be charged for failure to attend or any late cancellations.