Fertility and Pregnancy Reflexology - Natural Therapies for both Women & Men - Calm... Enhance... Relieve
Planning for pregnancy?
Baby on board?
Trying to conceive?
Relaxing reflexology treatment can help.
What is Reflexology?
“Reflexology is a gentle, safe, non-invasive therapy that helps to restore the body’s natural balance, promote healing, relaxation and a sense of wellbeing”
Reflexology is a deeply relaxing and energising holistic therapy, which treats the whole person, rather than just the symptoms/ problem. The body is often in a state of imbalance, particularly after illness, injury or periods of stress, blocking vital energy pathways.
Stimulating specific reflexes encourages the body to heal itself, restoring and maintaining natural equilibrium allowing the body to function effectively, as well as promoting relaxation and a general sense of well being.
The Benefits of Fertility Reflexology
Patients have reported feeling more positive, relaxed, with improved sleep and better menstrual cycles within a course of treatments.
Bringing the body into a state of balance, the body's systems work to their optimum; reducing stress levels may help the body's chance of conceiving.
The treatment focuses on:
- aiding deep relaxation
- balancing the endocrine system
- reducing stress levels
- calming the mind
- reducing tightness of pelvic muscles
- cleansing the large intestine and liver
- balancing the body and its systems as a whole
My professional training
I underwent in-depth training in Enhancing Fertility and Maternity Reflexology, with David Wayte (Member of the Royal Society of Medicine) who has many years experience working with couples desperate to conceive. David was featured in the BBC TV series, 'Make Me a Baby'.
I have tailored reflexology sessions to include a natural fertility consultation to help couples wanting to conceive naturally. I work and train with other leading holistic therapists, medical professionals and fertility specialists to support couples through their fertility journey. I also offer Reflexology to support through assisted conception (IUI, IVF, ICSI) and valuable support throughout pregnancy and labour preparation.
I was asked to contribute to the 'Mum's the word' article in the Yoga Life Magazine, March 2014 edition, highlighting Dubai's top natural therapies for birth, from Reflexology to Hypno Birthing.
Enhancing Fertility
Treatment time... Initial treatment & consultation - 75 mins Follow up treatments - 1 hour
Longing for a baby and having trouble conceiving can be a heartbreaking experience and extremely stressful for you and your partner.I specialise in reflexology to enhance and support your chances of getting pregnant.
If you're having trouble conceiving, or are aware of fertility issues, please don't hesitate to get in touch for a confidential chat.
Women's Health
I offer specific Reflexology treatments to focus on women's problems, including:
- PMT (pre menstrual tension)
- Heavy or irregular periods
- Fertility problems
Stress and Fertility
According to research there is evidence to suggest that women with high levels of a stress hormone can stop ovulating, and are therefore unable, or less likely to conceive.
A study in the Human Reproduction Journal, along with many other articles, found that pregnancy was more likely to occur when couples reported feeling relaxed, and that it was less likely to occur when they were feeling tense or anxious. This applies for both women and men.
Causes of Infertility & Tailored Treatments
By understanding the causes of infertility for both women and men, I can identify key reflex points on the feet to work on.
All fertility and subsequent pregnancy reflexology treatments are tailored to you, to help your body be at the optimum for conceiving, having a happy healthy relaxing pregnancy, through to a less painful labour.
“Thank you Gemma for everything that you did for me, I will always be grateful, and now I have the perfect family I always dreamed of.”
Reflexology to enhance the success of IUI, IVF, ICSI Treatment
Many medical specialist are now encouraging holistic therapies that can have a positive effect on reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation to help the success of assisted conception. Reflexology can be used before and during assisted conception treatments to help relax and prepare the body for egg collection and embryo transfer. Gemma is also partnered and collaborates with the fertility specialists and medical professionals at Bourn Hall Fertility Centre, to help provide access to the best support for you on your fertility journey. Gemma's reflexology patients are entitled to a FREE Fertility Check up at Bourn Hall. Please enquire here about how to arrange your check.
Stress may also play a huge factor in the success of assisted conception treatments, such as IVF, according to a study in Fertility and Sterility (2005).
Pregnancy Reflexology
Research has shown that women who have regular reflexology treatments during pregnancy can have far shorter labours than those who don’t!
“Nearly everyone can benefit from having reflexology during pregnancy.”
Both expectant parents can benefit from having reflexology during pregnancy, to help couples with the emotional changes of pregnancy and birth.
Get relief from common pregnancy ailments such as:
- morning sickness
- backache
- fluid retention and swelling
- adjusting to the demands of coping with a new baby
- support as your menstrual cycle returns to normal
Research has shown that reflexology can also be excellent for maintaining or increasing milk supply and helping with postnatal depression and general relaxation.
Labour Induction
Days leading up to the birth can be quite a stressful time, especially if you go over your due date so the most important benefit of reflexology during this time is to make you as calm and relaxed as possible.
The treatment will also help to stimulate conditions in the body which occur before labour, better preparing your body and focusing your energy for the task and allowing your body to set itself into labour.
During labour itself, reflexology can be used for relaxation and pain relief.
Read my BLOG POST on Reflexology in Pregnancy and Childbirth for Birth Zone here in Dubai.