How to ease I.B.S symptoms
·If motions are hard and pellet like then increase water intake to at least 2 litres of clean preferably bottle water.
·Eat small meals, little and often especially if gastro-colic reflex is strong and chew food thoroughly.  Do not over eat.
·Eat slowly, chew well, and in a stress free environment.
·Eat breakfast, take time out for lunch and time to sit down and relax whilst eating a meal.
·Eat healthy snacks in between meals to keep the metabolism working and avoiding getting ‘over hungry’ as this can cause painful cramps.
·Do not eat within 2-3 hours of bed time.
·If digestion is weak digestive enzymes can be useful.
·Drink 2 litres of water daily, but do not gulp lots down at once.  More maybe required if you are exercising or consuming alcohol. 
·Drink water throughout the day and avoid drinking 30 minuets before and 60 minuets after a meal.  Do not drink too much water with a meal.  (No more than 1 small glass).  This can dilute the digestive enzymes and cause painful gas and uncomfortable bloating.
·Golden Linseeds/Flax seed may help ease the congestion and constipation dosage- 1 heaped dessertspoon daily.  Taken whole, sprinkled over cereal or yoghurt, ground up or soaked overnight and drank the next morning.  Linseed tea is also helpful.
·Taking Charcoal powder / tablets or Blue green algae (unless you have a thyroid problem) can be helpful to reduce gas and bloating. Do not take charcoal if using the contraceptive pill.
·Epsom salt bath can help ease the discomfort.  Add a few large handfuls to a warm bath and soak for 15-20 minutes.
·Castor oil packing can be helpful.
·Regular exercise is helpful to simulate the bowel.
·When going to the toilet place your feet on a footstool or small bin, ideally 8-10 inches high so that your knees are up and you can sit back and relax.  Don not sit forward as this will inhibit the waste to be released from the bowels.
·Allow at least 10 minutes at a similar time of day to sit and ensure bowels are completely empty.  Avoid pushing and straining.  After a few weeks your bowels will learn that this signal means it should empty.
Massage your abdomen/colon for 2 minuets whilst lying down.  First thing in the morning is best or last thing at night.  Start on the right hand side of the bowel and firmly working upwards, across and down.  Repeat this action several times.

I.B.S Constipation
Foods to avoid or eaten in small quantities:
·         Bran (Bran Flakes, Rivita, weetabix)
·         Chewing gum
·         Fizzy drinks
·         Spicy Foods
·         Citrus Fruits & Juices( Orange & Grapefruit)
·         Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Swede, Broccoli ( If eaten and tolerated - cook well)
·         Onions and Mushrooms ( for some people)
·         Sugary foods
·         Fried foods
·         Fatty foods
·         Creamy sauces
·         Bagged salads
·         White wine
·         Apples (small quantities)
·         Strong tea and coffee and any caffeine
·         Pulses and beans
·         Jerusalem Artichokes
·         Red Meat
·         Chilled drinks
·         Very cold foods
·         Bananas
·         Tomatoes
·         Artificial sweeteners including aspartamine and sorbitol

Foods that could be better for you:
·         Oats (Porridge, homemade muesli, oatabix)
·         Nuts (except peanuts) Not salted or roasted.  Walnuts, Brazil nuts are best
·         Seeds, Pumpkin, Sesame, Hemp, Sunflower, Linseeds
·         Cranberry or apple juice
·         Kiwi fruit, under ripe pears, berries, pineapple, plums and dates, tropical fruits.  Fruits are best eaten on their own not directly after a meal.
·         Root vegetables, carrots, parsnips
·         Cucumber, celery, beetroot, celerac, courgettes, aubergines, peppers, butternut squash, asparagus
·         Sweet potatoes, new potatoes, jacket potatoes
·         Sweet corn
·         Stir frys
·         Brown short grain brown rice ‘food of the colon’
·         Wholemeal bread
·         Live Bio Yoghurts
·         Fennel/Peppermint/Camomile/ Ginger/ Linseed tea
·         Fish
·         Chicken

Supplements that maybe helpful (to be assessed on an individual basis)
·         Golden Linseeds or Flax
·         Digestive enzymes
·         Probiotics
·         L- Glutamine
·         Omega oils (3,6,9)
·         Zinc
·         Vitamin C
·         Calcium & Magnesium ​

I.B.S Diarrhea
NB Diarrhea can be a sign of chronic constipation.

Foods to Avoid or eaten in small quantities
·         Chewing gum
·         Fizzy drinks
·         Spicy Foods
·         Citrus Fruits & Juices( Orange & Grapefruit)
·         Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Swede, Broccoli ( If eaten and tolerated - cook well)
·         Onions and Mushrooms ( for some people)
·         Sugary foods
·         Fried foods
·         Fatty foods
·         Creamy sauces
·         Bagged salads
·         Alcohol
·         Strong tea and coffee and any caffeine
·         Pulses and beans
·         Jerusalem Artichokes
·         Chilled drinks
·         Very cold foods
·         Limited amounts of fruits and vegetables
·         Artificial sweeteners including aspartamine and sorbitol

Foods that are better for you:
·         Oats (Porridge, homemade muesli, oatabix)
·         Nuts (except peanuts) Not salted or roasted.  Walnuts, Brazil nuts are best
·         Seeds, Pumpkin, Sesame, Hemp, Sunflower, Linseeds
·         Cranberry or apple juice
·         Root vegetables
·         Bananas
·         Eggs
·         New potatoes, jacket potatoes
·         Live Bio Yoghurts
·         Fennel/Camomile tea
·         Fish
·         Chicken

See list for ‘constipation’ to prevent chronic constipation build up which can produce diarrhea.

Supplements that maybe helpful (to be assessed on an individual basis)
·         Psyllum Husk
·         Digestive enzymes
·         Probiotics
·         L- Glutamine
·         Omega oils (3,6,9)
·         Zinc
·         Vitamin C
·         Calcium & Magnesium

Have a personal food intolerance screening to find out if you have food intolerances which trigger IBS Symptoms.

Gemma Nelson