Reduce Wind and Abdominal Bloating
If you suffer with ‘Wind’ ‘abdominal bloating’ or ‘gas’, it can become a big problem in everyday life. It occurs during the process of digestion, absorption or elimination of our daily intake of food and drink.
Here are a few suggestions to help alleviate the problem
- Do NOT eat quickly. Avoid stress while eating
- Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing
- Do NOT overeat
- Do NOT eat within one hour of bedtime
- Do NOT drink more than eight ounces of liquid with a meal
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of pure water each day
- Eat your vegetables lightly steamed
- Avoid swallowing air as you chew or drink
- Avoid the foods you have difficulty digesting
- Minimise sweets (biscuits, sugars, syrups etc.,)
- Minimise fatty or fried foods
- Minimise alcohol, coffee and carbonated beverages
- Keep your meals simple but vary them from day to day
- Use capsule or powder form supplements rather than pills or tablets
- Avoid the use of a lot of spices on your food
- Exercise daily, but wait at least 1 hour after your meal
- Eat when at least slightly hungry and not according to the clock
Recommended supplements
- Probiotics, to restore friendly colon bacteria
- Digestive enzymes to help digestion of undigested food (protein, fats and carbohydrates)
- Use hydrochloric acid supplements, when indicated, to aid the digestion of proteins. Do NOT use if you have an ulcer.
- Charcoal to absorb the gas.
Gemma Nelson