My experience at Jason Vale's Juicy Oasis Retreat & Spa

My experience at Jason Vale's Juicy Oasis Retreat & Spa

Working at the Juicy Oasis retreat in Portugal with the Jason Vale team has to be one of the best things I have ever done.

It was so rewarding seeing all the guests benefit from colon hydrotherapy, alongside their juicing journey.

Personally, wonderful for me to experience the fabulous surroundings, not to mention two weeks of healthy juicing! I felt fabulous and my husband said I looked incredible when I returned (always nice to hear!).

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Juice Detox - Reboot your body & mind

Juice Detox - Reboot your body & mind

Get a flat tummy, feel refreshed, revitalised and detoxified.

I LOVE juicing. I've been overwhelmed by just how good a juice cleanse makes me feel. 

Whilst trying to balance a busy work and home life, along with everyday stress, eating healthily can slowly start to slip, even with the best intentions.

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Ever wondered what it's (really) like to have a colonic? [video]

Ever wondered what it's (really) like to have a colonic? [video]

Colon hydrotherapy can be daunting if it's your first time.

Find out exactly what to expect from start to finish, with tips and advice from me, to get the most out of your treatment. There's even a video to show you how relaxing it actually is (don't worry, nothing gruesome)!

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