Juice Detox - Reboot your body & mind

Juice Detox - Reboot your body & mind

Get a flat tummy, feel refreshed, revitalised and detoxified.

I LOVE juicing. I've been overwhelmed by just how good a juice cleanse makes me feel. 

Whilst trying to balance a busy work and home life, along with everyday stress, eating healthily can slowly start to slip, even with the best intentions.

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The simple trick for Lymphatic Drainage techniques & banish unwanted cellulite, at your fingertips! (video)

The simple trick for Lymphatic Drainage techniques & banish unwanted cellulite, at your fingertips! (video)

AND boost your infection-fighting lymph system at the same time

Being a woman, I know only too well the frustration at 'orange peel' cellulite that seems impossible to shift. (I should point out, that even the skinniest of minis can suffer this problem, so you're not alone!)

In this post, I’d like to share with you some natural techniques that I use at home to combat the dreaded cellulite. Also, tips to get rid of that horrible sluggish, sensation to feel boosted, energised and lighter. 

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